PTA Back to School Letter 2020

Dear West Vincent families,

On behalf of the West Vincent PTA, I would like to welcome you to the 2020-2021 school year! Although this is not the way we intended the school year to start, I want to assure you that no matter how you choose to learn (cyber, blended, or in-person), the West Vincent PTA will continue to provide our students with the programs and sense of community that make West Vincent Elementary so special!

Over the summer, your PTA has been working hard to develop plans to ensure our kids have the best possible WV experience. We added inspirational decals to every bathroom stall in the building to feature positive messages to give our kids daily reminders of how special and amazing they are.  We worked with Mr. Smith to have a mural installed in the cafeteria displaying the qualities that make up WV students, staff and community. Lastly, we began the year by treating our teachers and staff to OJR face masks and a bountiful welcome lunch, thanks to the generosity of our WV families.

To keep the momentum going, we are offering Spirit wear and custom OJR PuraVida bracelets on our website until September 27. We hope this will give your families a sense of community and enthusiasm for the school year. We think you may especially like our “Wildcat Strong, No Matter The Distance" t-shirt, which will serve as a great memento from this unprecedented school year.  If you have any questions in regards to spirit wear please contact Katie Felmlee at

Below you will find a list of events that we have planned for this Fall, as well as information about how you can join the West Vincent PTA. This year, more than any other, the PTA needs your support. Individual memberships cost $7.50 and a couple membership costs $15.00. Please visit to join the West Vincent Elementary PTA. Please remember that must renew your PTA membership each year. As a bonus this year, if you sign up for the PTA by September 30, 2020, you will be entered for a chance to Name the Lane at WVE. This is the circular drop-off lane directly in front of the school. If you join as a couple, you get two chances! The winner of this prize will be announced during our second PTA General meeting on Tuesday, October 20, 2020.

I also encourage you to like our Facebook page and sign up for our weekly email blast. Our Facebook page is a wonderful place for sharing photos and information in real-time.  Look for a link to our Back to School video to make its debut on that page later today!  We will also share this video on our regular Sunday email. Be sure to subscribe to the PTA email list so you don’t miss it!

Despite the challenges this year presents, we are excited about the many activities that will bring us together! Please feel free to contact me or any member of the PTA executive board with any questions. I look forward to (virtually) seeing you soon! Always remember, we are Wildcat Strong, no matter the distance!


Cindy Hutcheson, President
West Vincent PTA

WV PTA Calendar of Events
*Note, due to the unprecedented nature of this year, please be sure to check our weekly emails, website (, and Facebook page for last-minute event changes.

September 11 - Spirit wear & Pure Vida Bracelet Online Sale Begin.  Order yours at
September 22 - General PTA Meeting (7:00 pm, via zoom)
September 23 - Spirit Night at Freddy’s in Exton (4:00 pm - 8:00 pm)
September 27 - Spirit wear & PuraVida Bracelet Online Sale Ends
October 8 - Virtual Family Art Night
October 20 - General PTA Meeting (7:00 pm, via zoom)
October 22 - All Pro Dad Breakfast (7:30 am via zoom)
November 9 - 13 - Virtual Book Fair
November 12 - Virtual Mother/Son Trivia Night
November 17 - General PTA Meeting (7:00 pm, via zoom)
December - Virtual Cooking Class - date TBD
December 10 - All Pro Dad Breakfast (7:30 am via zoom)
December 15 - General PTA Meeting (7:00 pm, via zoom)

We are also planning additional events you will not want to miss, including spirit nights, virtual story time, and more!

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