February 5 Weekly PTA Email

Keep clipping those box tops!  This is the last week of our winter box tops challenge.  All box tops must be turned in by Friday, February 10th.  The winning class will win a hot chocolate party plus pajama day (grade k-3) or an extra recess (grade 4-6).  In addition, the winning class will assume ownership of the box tops trophy!

The 'West Vincent's Got Talent' talent show is this Friday, February 10 at 6:00 pm. Please come out to see your friends perform their hearts out at this fun event!

It's time to order yearbooks!  The 2016-2017 WVES Yearbooks are on sale now - yearbooks purchased by March 31st cost $21 each. Yearbooks purchased April 1st or later cost $25 (while supplies last.) To order, click here, click on 'Yearbook' and fill in the information requested. Yearbooks will be delivered to the school.

The next All Pro Dad breakfast will be held Thursday, February 16, 2017, from 7:00-8:00 am in the WVES All-Purpose Room.  The topic of discussion will be "Choices".  Please RSVP directly to Mike Frederick.  If you are able to make a food donation, please sign up at the following link:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c48acae2d6-allpro3 .  Hope to see you February 16!

The next PTA Meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 14 at 9:45am at the West Vincent Township Building. We hope you can join us!

Monday is Day 1. 
Have a great week!

Lyn Noon