January 22, 2017 Weekly Email

The next All Pro Dad breakfast will be held Thursday, February 16, 2017, from 7:00-8:00 am in the WVES All-Purpose Room.  The topic of discussion will be "Choices".  Please RSVP directly to Mike Frederick at freds131@verizon.net .  If you are able to make a food donation, please sign up at the following link:  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c48acae2d6-allpro3 .  Hope to see you February 16!

Family Arts Night will be guided by Anna Cunningham from Hop Toad Studios....Registered families will be painting a winter fox this Friday at 6:30 - 8:00 in the gymnasium.   If you are no longer able to attend, kindly e-mail annestraw1@gmail.com so we can open your spot to another family on the waiting list. And please remember to wear clothes you don't mind getting a little messy!

Please continue to submit your photos from the school year for our Yearbook! Attached is a document with instructions for uploading your pictures. The deadline to submit pictures is March 20, 2017.

Talent Show notes:  

  • Shout Out orders for the Talent Show are due Monday, 1/23!  Purchase a Shining Star Shout Out for $5 - a brief encouraging message for your performer(s), or a 1/4 page Shout Out for $10 or a 1/2 page Shout Out ($20) - a message plus a picture of your performer(s). If sending a photo (horizontal or vertical will work), please email it in full size to mncantarero@gmail.com.  Submit your orders in an envelope marked "PTA - Talent Show".
  • Please remember to turn in your music to mncantarero@gmail.com by Wednesday, January 25.

Monday is Day 1. 
Have a great week!

Lyn Noon