Visit the PA PTA Convention in Valley Forge, PA April 4-6, 2014

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The 105th Annual Pennsylvania PTA Convention is taking place right in our backyard this year at the Radisson in Valley Forge.  AND the host of the convention is Owen J. Roberts!  You can receive discounted admission if we respond as a group by February 17th, but you can still attend for $15 more if you wait until after 2/17 to make your decision.

The convention is a great way to gain knowledge about other PTA's, come up with new ideas for our PTA, meet new people and hear special guest speakers.  

There is a document where you can read all of the details.  If you are interested in attending and care to get in on the group discount, email Jill Reese.  You can also direct any questions to Jill.  (Page 44 of the document breaks down the registration fees.)