I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break and a Happy New Year!!

WVE PTA RETRO MOVIE NIGHTThe PTA is excited to announce that they will be showing “The Princess Bride” this year for Retro Movie Night on January 24. Let the famous movie quote reciting begin! Doors will open at 6pm and the show will start at 6:30. Free popcorn will be offered, and hot dogs and candy will be available for sale. Please bring your own blankets and chairs. If you are planning on attending we are asking that you please rsvp here so we can have an accurate headcount. Non-perishable food items will be collected for donation to the Coventry Food Pantry. This is optional but greatly appreciated!


Thank you to everyone that registered their children for this year’s West Vincent's Got Talent Show. What a great variety of performances, it will be a wonderful show! For those that would like to come cheer on the performers, please join us for the show on February 7th at 6:00pm. If you have questions in regards to the talent show, please contact Rosie Verona (rosiegar16@icloud.com), 2020 Talent Show Co-Chairperson. 

HOLIDAY AMAZON SHOPPING LINKJust a reminder when you are wrapping up your holiday shopping this season on Amazon to login through smile.amazon.com. You will see the same products and prices, but be able to donate a portion of your purchase to the WVE PTA. If you have already selected us as your charity of choice, thank you!!

The deadline is next week for nominations for the 19th annual Citadel Heart of Learning Award. Every year, Citadel receives thousands of heartfelt nominations sent from students, parents, and community members for teachers who are making a true difference in their students’ lives. All finalists receive $500 to use in their classroom and are honored at the Citadel Heart of Learning Awards banquet in early May. Three winners are selected from the 15 finalists — one high school, one middle school, and one elementary school teacher — and each receives an additional $1,500 to use in their classroom. Additionally, the top three schools from Chester County that submit the most nominations receive the “Schools with Heart” award from Citadel and earn money to support assemblies or events.

Nominations for the teacher award program will be accepted through December 31, 2019, and can be submitted at CitadelHeartofLearning.com.

The student’s first day back, on January 2nd, will be Day 4. Have a fantastic winter break!

Rose SpoffordComment