WVES PTA Communications 9/3/2018


I hope everyone was able to enjoy this 4-day weekend!

In this email, I've listed our upcoming items but have also taken this opportunity to explain a few of our programs.

Family Directory
We are in the process of compiling contact information for a FREE family directory that will be sent home with every family around the end of September.  Your information will be included ONLY if you provide it.  This directory is incredibly helpful when scheduling play dates or reaching out to other parents about classroom parties and information.  We encourage every family to provide their contact info.  Please visit www.westvincentpta.org to submit your information for the directory no later than Friday, September 14th.

  --> And don't forget to Join the PTA as well! It is a great way to know what is going on at school. The cost is $7.50 per person.

Back To School Bash
Join us for one of our most favorite West Vincent traditions - Back to School Bash, which will be held on Friday, September 7th from 5:30-7:30.  This is a time to reconnect with friends, enjoy great food and purchase West Vincent spirit wear!  We are in need of a few volunteers to help with this event.  If you can share 30 minutes of your time, it would be greatly appreciated.  There is a list of volunteer positions on sign up genius. 


Reading Incentive
For those of you unfamiliar with the PTA's Reading Incentive program, here are the details:
Have your child read for at least 20 minutes/day for at least 20 days in the month. They can fill out the calendar that is found on our webpage, submit it at the end of the month and they will receive a little reward!

Reflections Art Contest
The National PTA Reflections program is PTA’s cornerstone arts program. The Reflections Program has inspired millions of students to reflect on a specific theme and create original artwork. Each year, students in Grades K through 12 are recognized for bringing the theme to life through dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts.  Students are broken down into Grade Divisions: K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.  Judging first occurs at a local level (judging our school only.) Entries then move on for Regional, State and National judging, if applicable.  This year's theme is Heroes Around Me. Students may begin working on an entry at any time now. Entries will be collected towards the end of October. Exact dates and entry forms will be available soon!  For more information, please see our Reflections page.

Amazon link
Did you know that when you shop on Amazon you can use the link for our school to help us get a percentage of the sales?  Click https://www.amazon.com/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=wevipt0a-20 to start your shopping session.  Bookmark the link so that you can always begin your shopping session this way. This link is always on our homepage at http://www.westvincentpta.org.  

Box Tops Challenge
Keep clipping those box tops!  The first Box Tops classroom challenge will be held 9/10-9/21.  As in past challenges, the classroom that collects the most box tops will win a prize and the highly coveted Box Tops Trophy!  Last year, we raised over $1000 for our school from box tops!

If you haven't yet taken a look at our Volunteer page, please do so. We could use your help in one -or several- different areas! You can help with a specific event, or sign up as a 'General Volunteer', in which case a chairperson can let you know if they need help with an event when the time comes.

Tuesday is Day 5.
Have a great week!

Lyn Noon