4/9 WVES PTA Communications

We hope Dads (or grandfathers, uncles or guardians) can join us for the final All Pro Dad breakfast of this school year.  The breakfast will be held Thursday, April 20, 2017, from 7:00-8:00 am in the WVES All-Purpose Room.  The topic of discussion will be "Trust".  Please rsvp directly to Mike Frederick.  If you are able to donate a food item, please sign up here. Hope to see you April 20!

The next PTA Meeting will take place on April 19th at 9:45 am at the West Vincent Twp. Bldg. We hope you can attend.

Come out for a ride and support the WV PTA! Join us at Cyclebar in Exton for a fun and energetic ride on April 29th at 12:30 pm for 60 minutes to support our PTA and the children of West Vincent Elementary. The ride is $25. To ensure your spot click here, click 'Reserve', create an account if necessary, reserve a bike and make the donation.

Monday is Day 2. 
Have a great week!

Lyn Noon