October 15, 2017 Communications Email

Wildcat Walk-a-Thon
Tuesday is the day we have been waiting for - the First Ever Wildcat Walk-a-Thon!  

If you have been waiting to make your donation, wait no longer because time is running out!  Many students and classes are neck and neck in the race to collect the most fundraising dollars.  Your donation could take your student and/or his or her class over the top.  Plus, your donations will support the programming all of our students, teachers and families enjoy, including: field trips, assemblies, family art and bingo nights, the talent show, family education nights and more!

As of Tuesday, we have raised $17,456.79.  That means we reached our first goal and all students have earned an extra 15 minutes of recess.  We are just $2543. 21 away from reaching our $20,000 stretch goal.  If we hit $20,000, Mr. Smith will have a cooler of icy sports drink dumped on his head.  That alone is reason to donate!  The classes currently in the lead are:  1.  Mrs. McDannell’s 3rd Grade Class, 2.  Mrs. Jardine’s 5th Grade Class and 3.  Mrs. Matz’s 1st Grade Class.  Here is a quick video of your kids talking about the Walk in case you missed it:  https://youtu.be/ARmzd2alPAc

Students will be given their Walk-a-Thon T-shirts on Monday.  Please have them wear their shirt to school on Tuesday for the Walk.  

All Pro Dad Breakfast
The first All Pro Dad breakfast of the school year will be held Thurs. Oct. 19, from 7:00 - 8:00 am in the WVES All-Purpose Room.  The topic of discussion will be “Responsibility”.  You can read more about this program on our PTA website. RSVP to Mike Frederick at freds131@verizon.net. We look forward to seeing you and your child(ren) at this event.

PTA Meeting
Join us for the next PTA General Meeting on Wed., Oct. 18 at 6:00 pm in the WVES Library.  This is a great way to be “in the know” about all the latest WV happenings.  All are welcome to attend.  Our special guest speaker will be Kevin Smith, Chief of Security and School Safety at OJRSD.  

Chick-fil-a Spirit Night
Join us for a Spirit Night to benefit WVES at the Chick-fil-A in Lionville on Oct. 26 between 5:00 - 7:30 pm!  A portion of sales from this event will benefit the WV PTA.  Eat in the restaurant or go through the drive-thru.  We will also have a prize wheel that you can spin to win a prize!

Pancake Breakfast
Save-the-date for our upcoming Pancake breakfast at Applebee’s in Lionville.  This popular event will take place on Saturday, Nov. 4.  Details coming soon!  

After-School Martial Arts Program
Keep your eyes peeled for a flier to come home about our upcoming Martial Arts program for grades 1 - 3.  Details coming home in backpacks soon.

Monday is Day 3.
Have a great week!

Lyn Noon