International Night is One Month Away!


The following letter was sent home with the children participating in the International Night.  You may view it here as well:

February 27, 2014                                   

Dear Participant,

We are thrilled you chose to register for West Vincent’s International Night on Thursday, April 3rd.  Please read over this letter with your family.

When you registered we gave you a tri-fold cardboard presentation board and an optional research packet. International Night is in one month, so you should begin investigating your country now. The West Vincent Elementary library and the Henrietta Hankin Library have many informational books about different countries. Check out a book about your country during library class this week. Then fill in the optional research packet as a way to organize your information. When you’ve completed your research, plan and draw a rough draft of your tri-fold board. Have your parents review your rough draft and notes before starting your final board.

This month we also suggest asking your extended family if they have any artifacts, such as clothing, artwork, currency, photos or crafts from the country you are researching. Perhaps your parents can arrange for you to borrow these items for your display. If you plan to prepare a cultural food item for International Night use this time to locate a recipe, make a test batch, and write up an ingredients list to display with your board. Another option is to dress in traditional cultural clothing for our fashion show.

Remember this presentation is for you to showcase what interests you about your heritage. It’s your chance to teach us!

Mrs. Flexner and Mrs. Vanemon and the WV PTA