1st VP responsibilities 

  • Attend monthly Executive meetings (includes all members of the PTA Executive Board + school principal)

    • Timing of meetings is based on PTA Board availability but are generally one (1) hour in length

    • Discussions involve upcoming events and budgeting decisions

  • Attend monthly general meetings

    • Timing of meetings is flexible but will most likely be held in the evenings for the 2024-2025 school year

    • Meetings are approximately 45 minutes in length

    • Discussions involve a principal update, PTA president update, treasurer update, and recaps/updates on past and future PTA events

  • Assist with the planning of certain events such as:

    • Back to School Bash

    • Spring Spectacular

    • Holiday Shop

  • Maintain familiarity with upcoming school year budget & attend annual budget meeting in the spring

  • Work with the president and other board members to develop the upcoming school year calendar of events

  • Work with the PTA, principal, and teacher(s) to come up with fresh ideas for the upcoming school year

Recording Secretary responsibilities

  • Create agenda with the president for the monthly Executive Board meetings; send agenda to Corresponding Secretary to post to the PTA website prior to general PTA meetings

  • Attend monthly Executive meetings (includes all members of the PTA Board + school principal)

    • Timing of meetings is based on PTA Board availability but are generally one (1) hour in length

    • Discussions involve upcoming events and budgeting decisions

  • Attend and take minutes for all monthly general PTA meetings

    • Minutes should be sent to the PTA Board after each meeting

    • Minutes are approved at the next monthly meeting and posted to the website by the Corresponding Secretary

    • Timing of meetings is flexible but will most likely be held in the evenings for the 2024-2025 school year

    • Meetings are approximately 45 minutes in length

    • Discussions involve a principal update, PTA president update, treasurer update, and recaps/updates on past and future PTA events

  • Input all events for the upcoming school year to the district’s internal tracking system (FMX)

    • Update FMX requests as needed throughout the year

  • Schedule all Executive and general PTA meetings in PTA’s Google Calendar and invite PTA Board and principal