Reflections Awards Ceremony

West Vincent Elementary School celebrated the Arts this morning with recognition for the seven participants in the PTA Reflections Art Program. Mrs. Manchella announced the names and distributed awards and prizes for the following students:

Jimmy Noon - Visual Arts, Primary - 1st Place Local Level, 1st Place Region 12 Level.
Avery Noon - Visual Arts, Intermediate - 1st Place Local Level, 1st Place Region 12 Level.
Sara Shockey - Visual Arts, Intermediate - 2nd Place Local Level
Ben Merkel - Visual Arts, Intermediate - 3rd Place Local Level, 2nd Place Region 12 Level.
Sadie Frederick - Visual Arts, Intermediate - 4th and 5th Place Local Level.
Matthew Saylor - Visual Arts, Middle School -  1st and 3rd Place Local Level, 1st and 3rd Place Region 12 Level; Photography, Middle School - 1st Place Local Level, 3rd Place Region 12 Level.
April Chronowski - Visual Arts, Middle School - 2nd Place Local Level, 2nd Place Regional Level; Literature, Middle School - 1st Place Local Level, 1st Place Region 12 Level.

Judging for Reflections is first done on a Local Level.  All entries are blind-judged by local art professionals in a given category and results are tallied. They are then passed on to the Regional PTA Director* for judging. The top entrants then move on for State Level judging, and if placed, will move on for National judging.

*Region 12 is comprised of Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of our local artists!!! Keep up the work over the summer! The 2015-2016 theme is Let Your Imagination Fly. Entry forms will be posted on this website under the Programs, Reflections Art tab as they become available (probably mid-to-late summer.)